Monday, September 29, 2008

reflections on Food of Thought

I've read Food of Thought in Newsweek. This artical is about food and nations. The author Daniel Stone related food and nations in a interesting way. She asserts that to a certain extent, nation's food can describe its place in the world. For example, th U.S's "nations food"--meat, can reflect the Depression. In addition, food could also mirror the political history--some countries took controls on the others, so they have their ex-colony's food. With globalization, American make foreign food by themselves. And the "Axis of Evil", their food supply is insufficient, it stands for the communism belief of their goverments. At last, Stone conclude that food might not indicate the future politics, but it definetly reflects the cultures.

The artical is quite interesting. Actually, this idea--food could reflect cultures is not difficult to understand. Food, is part of our way of life, the way we live absolutely determined by our thoughts. So food could be a indicator of the cultures. In my case, we eats organs partly because we don't want to waste anything. It can reflect the idea-- frugality. The Westerners rarely eat all the innards, because their countries now are rich. This mirror the global history--the rising of the West.

this is leomi

Hi everybody, I'm Leomi.
I love music, books, mocca hazelnut latte, wafful and people ^^