Monday, October 20, 2008

The Story of Stuff

I've seen a vedio The Story of Stuff ,which tallks about the waste of stuff and the bad effects.
The woman throw the qustion:where does the stuff go? At first, she introduce the material economic, the system that the stuff go through: extration, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. The system seems so well; however, the image misses something. For instance, people. Recently, government who should take care of the system is flattering the corporation.

On the other hand, the five steps resault in a lot of problems or be a problem too. (1) Exatration: exatration means the resource of the world is loosing. It's American's responsibility in a sense.
80% forests are gone, toxics in toxics out, workers have no choice but to work in the toxic factory. Whole community get wasted. (2) Production: It causes pollution. The developed countries throw their pollution oversea but they backfired. (3) Distribution: It means externalized cost. (4) Consumption: This is the most difficult part. To much consuming produce trash. Almost 99% products will be trash in 6 month.This is designed after 2nd world war: the belife of more consuming will stimulate economic growth. Fasion is the element that can't be neglected. " Keep in style" persuades people to buy more. However, national happiness is declining, we have more stuff but have no time to make ourselves happy.(5)Disposal: The way we deal with trash is burning the garbage but make more super toxics e.g. Dioxin. Recycling does help, but not enough. For two reason: 1. The garbage come from houses is just a corner of an iceberg. 2. A lot of garbage can't be recycled.

The video is interesting and inspiring. I think the vedio should be broadcast in public, it's filled with worthful information and educational meaning which eveyone should know.

It reminds me my first experience to America. Once when I went to breakfast in a restaurant, I find out everyone left so much food on the table. The scene shock me. I was really astonished by the man who was throwing a bread away just because it had a crack. I find out American are quite wasteful. In my country, you'll never see any leftover on the table.

One part of the vedio is inspiring too: the fashion. Nowadays the function of clothes is more than keep people warm. It's about fasion. Looking good is not a bad thing, but buying too many clothes must be wastful.


kim said...

Even though we, Koreans also care about the food and recycling, I'm impressed to you when I see you try not to leave food. You made me more concerned about the food when I'm full and happen to leave some food. I try to finish the food on the plate. Good job! You are influential. We need to care about many things to save the environment with the same context.

Woo said...

I know that you really don't like to waste of foods. I never saw you left foods. I think it is a good habit. And, your summary is very clear so that I can read easily. From now on, when I'm eating, I will try to eat all foods without leftover. Good Job^-^.

Leomi said...

haha... you guys learn it from the lunch time. Well, when I am really full, I will not finish it either.
But it's true I feel guilty when I throw food away.